Episode NT37- Pentecost – Never the Same Again!

tale2tell original Bible Stories series – New Testament

Based on Acts chapter 2

Story 37 – Pentecost – Never the same again!

Seven weeks had gone by since the Passover in Jerusalem, when Jesus had been executed by Roman crucifixion – an execution that at the time had looked like a terrible defeat as the ‘Messiah’ was murdered at the hands of evil men. But so much had changed since then! Yes, Jesus had been put to death by wicked men, and yet what had happened to Him was never out of God’s control! And since then, God had raised Jesus back to life! And over the next 40 days He’d spent time with His disciples showing them that He really was alive and not a ghost, and at the same time teaching them about the Kingdom of God. And, most exciting of all, Jesus had promised that within days He’d baptise them with the Holy Spirit so that they could tell everyone, starting with the residents of Jerusalem and ending up – well, at the furthest ends of the earth – about who He was and what God had done through Him! (PAUSE)

At the end of those very special 40 days, Jesus had been taken back to heaven. But even though He’d gone back to heaven, His disciples knew they could still talk to Him, and He could still let them know what He wanted. So, instead of feeling sad, they spent their time praising God in the temple for what He’d done and then, in a more private place, they continued to pray, asking Jesus to do what He’d promised, to send the Holy Spirit. (PAUSE)

And so now it was the Jewish celebration of Pentecost, 50 days after Passover, which marked the end of the barley harvest (and also marked the time they’d been given the Torah on Mount Sinai), and for this festival, every Jewish man was commanded to come before the Lord in His temple in Jerusalem. So Jerusalem was buzzing with people from all over the place, Jews who’d come back to Jerusalem for this special celebration even though they now lived in many different countries all over the world! (PAUSE)

On the day of the Pentecost celebration, the city stirred early with people on the streets enjoying the festivities. The disciples were also up early when, suddenly, the house where they were gathered was filled with the sound of a powerful, rushing wind and then something appeared that looked like tongues made of fire and, as the disciples watched, the tongues of fire separated and came to rest on all the disciples, all 120 or so of them! At once everybody in the room was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they started speaking in all kinds of different languages as the Holy Spirit gave them the ability!

Nobody could keep this quiet! People all over Jerusalem heard the sound of the powerful, rushing wind and came running to see what was happening. And when they got there, they were amazed – not really sure what to make of it all – as each of them heard their own language being spoken by the believers!

No one could understand what was going on! ‘How can this happen?’ they asked each other. ‘These people are all from Galilee, and yet – we hear them speaking the languages of the lands we were born in – our native languages – from all around the world! And they’re speaking about the wonderful things God has done!’

What confused people even more was that the disciples really were from Galilee and, to be honest, Galilee was considered to be a backwater, not exactly cultured, and their strong accents usually made them incapable of speaking any language clearly – some said they even struggled with their own language! And yet, after that incredibly loud noise of rushing wind, and the settling of the tongues of fire, here they were fluently speaking languages from places they’d surely never been! ‘What does it mean?’ the onlookers asked, shaking their heads and unable to understand it. (P) But a few of them who came to see what all the commotion was about, heard the people speaking different languages and started to laugh! ‘If you ask me,’ they said, ‘these people have had a little too much wine!!’

It was then that Peter stepped forward, and with the other apostles behind him, he addressed the crowd. ‘Listen carefully, all of you! These people aren’t drunk, it’s only 9 o’clock in the morning – it’s far too early for that. No, what you see this morning is what the prophet Joel predicted centuries ago. This is what he wrote:

‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit on my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy…’’

And then Peter continued to tell the people about Jesus: that He was a man God approved of as shown by the signs and wonders God had done through Him; that He’d died at the hands of evil men, but at the same time, His death hadn’t been outside the plans and purposes of God; that God had raised Jesus back to life, freeing Him from the grave; and that God had now raised Him up to sit on a throne at His right hand side in heaven from where He poured out the Holy Spirit as they could now see. He finished with, ‘So let it be clearly known by everyone in Israel – that God has made this Jesus whom YOU crucified – to be both Lord and Messiah!’ (PAUSE)

God had started His work of building His Kingdom, of building His church, and as Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit took Peter’s words and helped many of those who heard them to realise how guilty they were and that they needed to be forgiven. So they said to the apostles, ‘Brothers, what should we do?’

So Peter told them, ‘Each of you must turn away from your sins and turn to God, and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you too will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And this promise isn’t just for you, it is also for your children and even for people who are far away from Him – for all who’ve been called by the Lord our God.’ (PAUSE)

Over 3000 people believed what Peter said and were baptised and added to the church that very day! They all spent their time listening to and putting into practice what the apostles taught. (P) And because of this, a deep sense of awe came over the believers, both old and new, and the apostles performed many miracles, signs and wonders!

The believers met together constantly and shared everything they had, selling their possessions and giving to those in need. Together they worshipped at the temple every day, and met in each other’s homes to share the Lord’s Supper and their own meals with thankful and humble hearts – while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of the people. And each day, the Lord added to their group more people who were being saved.

Episode NT20 – The Man Born Blind

tale2tell original Bible Stories series – New Testament

Based on John chapter 9

The Man Born Blind

‘What people tend to forget when you’re blind is that you’re not deaf as well! In fact, my hearing’s a lot better than most peoples and I could hear them quite clearly as they came towards me.’

‘Jesus,’ somebody asked, ‘Whose fault is it that this man’s been born blind?’ And then, to rub it in a little more he said, ‘Was it his own sin or his parent’s sin?’ Come on, I thought, it could hardly be my sin! That would’ve meant I’d done something evil before I’d even been born. And as for my parents … well. Then I heard another voice answering their question, I guess it must have been Jesus.’

‘Neither,’ He said, ‘It wasn’t this man’s fault or his parent’s fault. This man was born blind so that the power of God could be seen in him.’ Whatever that meant! And then He added, ‘All of us have to get on with the tasks God’s given us to do because there’s little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end. But you see, while I’m still here in this world, I am the light of the world.’

‘I’d been born blind, I’d never seen any light, so I really couldn’t understand what He was talking about when He said He was the light of the world!’

‘What happened next was a little – awkward. Jesus spat on the ground and made some mud with His spit and some soil. Then I felt a gooey substance being rubbed over my eyes and Jesus spoke to me. ‘Go and wash in the pool of Siloam,’ He said. And that was that! (P) I had no option but to wash to get the mud off my eyes. But something inside me seemed to tell me that I should do exactly what Jesus had just told me to do, not just find some water to wash off the mud, but to go where He’d said.’

‘It didn’t take long to go to Siloam, and when I got there I started to wash off the mud. It was good to get it off because it’d started to dry a little and was becoming uncomfortable! I put my head down to the pool, dipped my hands in and splashed great handfuls of water over my eyes. Then I washed off the mud and started to wipe the water out of my eyes.’ (PAUSE)

‘There aren’t words to describe how I felt next. It’s just not possible for you to understand but when I opened my eyes my head was filled with … with … light, colours, images, things, movement! I could see! Jesus had healed me! I could see! Not even in my wildest imagination had I dreamt that seeing would be like this! When I was young I’d often asked what it was like, and nothing anyone said had made any sense, until now. Now I understood what people meant when they tried to use words to describe a colour or the clouds in the sky.’

‘When I was young I’d pestered my parents to ask them if maybe one day I could see if the doctors could heal me. They’d tried to find out if there was any hope for me, but the doctors had soon put them straight. No one had ever been able to see who’d been born blind. It just didn’t happen. But now, this man Jesus had come along, covered my eyes with mud, told me to wash in the pool of Siloam and the impossible had happened! I could see.’ (PAUSE)

‘You couldn’t wipe the smile off my face! I made my way back home using the skills I’d learnt when I was blind but also taking in my surroundings. When my neighbours saw me, they hardly recognised me because of the stupid great grin on my face! They started looking at each other and asking, ‘Is this the same blind beggar we knew before?’ I kept telling them, ‘Yeah! It’s me, it’s me!’ But they could hardly believe their own eyes! ‘What happened?’ they asked. ‘Who healed you?’’

‘Well I told them, ‘This man called Jesus came along, spat on the ground, made some mud out of His spit and the soil and then rubbed it on my eyes. Then, He sent me to the pool of Siloam and told me to wash the mud off in that pool. I did everything He said, and when I’d done it, I could see!’’

‘’Well,’ they asked, ‘Where is He now?’’

‘’I’ve no idea.’ I replied.’ (PAUSE)

‘When I told my neighbours that Jesus had made the mud out of the spit and soil, I could tell they were uncomfortable. You see it was the Sabbath day when all this happened, and our religious experts, the Pharisees, had made up lots of extra little rules to make sure no one disobeyed the Sabbath law, which says you are to keep the Sabbath day Holy! – One of those extra rules was to do with not working something like dough or mud! So they took me to the Pharisees!’

‘’What happened?’ they asked me. And I told them about the mud making and about the washing in the pool of Siloam and then being able to see. That’s when the arguments started! ‘This man Jesus can’t be from God,’ one of them said, ‘because He’s working on the Sabbath!’ And then another asked, ‘But how could some ordinary person do such a mighty miracle?’ Neither side could agree with the other  – – so they asked me!’

‘’Who do you think this man is who opened your eyes?’ To be honest, I hadn’t really thought about it because I was so overjoyed at being able to see again, so after a moments thought I said, ‘Erm, well, I guess He must be a prophet!’’

‘You won’t believe what happened next. Completely ignoring what I’d said, they started to accuse me of never having been blind in the first place! They wouldn’t listen to a word I said. In fact, they were so adamant that I hadn’t ever been blind that they called my parents in to question them! ‘Is this your son?’ they asked. ‘Was he born blind, and if so how can he see now?’’

‘I’d never seen my parent before then, and I didn’t know what the expression on their faces meant, but I could tell from their voices they were worried. ‘Yes, he is our son,’ they said, ‘and he was born blind. But how he came to be able to see again, and who healed him we can’t say. Ask him yourselves,’ they said. ‘He’s old enough to speak for himself.’’

‘And so once again they called me in! ‘Give glory to God by telling the truth,’ they said, ‘because we know Jesus is a sinner!’ Give glory to God! I ask you! How much more glory could you give to God than healing a man born blind! ‘Whether He’s a sinner or not I don’t know;’ I said. ‘But this one thing I do know, I was blind, and now I can see!’’

‘’But what did He do?’ they asked again, ‘How did He heal you?’ I couldn’t believe it; they hadn’t been listening to a word I’d said! ‘Look,’ I insisted, ‘I’ve already told you! Didn’t you listen the first time? Why do you want me to tell you again?’ And then a little bit cheekily I asked, ‘Do you want to become His disciples too?’’

‘That did it! They nearly exploded! They started saying all kinds of rude things to me. ‘You may be His disciple, but we’re disciples of Moses!’ they roared. ‘We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this man, we don’t know anything about Him!’’

‘‘Oh,’ says I, ‘that’s very strange! Here comes a man who heals the eyes of someone born blind and you don’t know anything about Him! Well, we know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but that He hears those who worship Him and do what He wants them to do. Never before in the whole history of the world has anyone been able to heal the eyes of a person born blind. If this man wasn’t from God then He couldn’t have done it!’’

‘They’d lost the argument, and they knew it, so they started shouting at me, treating me like a fool as they spat out their nastiness! ‘You were steeped in sin since your birth!’ they screamed. ‘Are you trying to teach us?’ And then they threw me out of the synagogue! Making it very clear that I wouldn’t be welcomed back. (PAUSE)

‘The news of what’d happened to me must have spread like wildfire, because not too long afterwards – this man came up to me. When He spoke I immediately recognised His voice, it was Jesus. ‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ He asked. ‘Who is He sir,’ I replied, ‘because I’d like to.’’

‘’You have seen Him,’ He told me, ‘and He is speaking to you now.’’

‘’Yes Lord,’ I answered, ‘I do believe!’ And then I did what was the only right thing to do, I worshipped Him.’

‘Jesus spoke to me again, ’I have come to judge the world, to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they can see that they’re really blind.’ I understood what He meant, I could see now, but it was with more than just my eyes, I also understood who He was. But some Pharisees who’d followed me overheard what Jesus said and got all uptight again, ‘Are you saying we’re blind?’ they asked. Well, even I could tell that they had no idea who Jesus really was. But Jesus answered them, ‘If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty. But you remain guilty because you claim you can see.’’

‘I understood that! The Pharisees thought they knew all about God and had it all worked out, and yet when they were confronted with the incredible miracle that had happened to me, they refused to believe that it said anything about who Jesus is. (PAUSE) I’m so grateful to God that I can see!’

Episode NT10 – A Foreigner with Faith

tale2tell original Bible Stories series – New Testament

Based on Luke chapter 7 verses 1 to 17

A foreigner with faith

 ‘I am a Centurion, a soldier of Rome and an officer in charge of 100 men. My commander has placed me here in Israel, in the town of Capernaum where I look after the interests of Rome and also do my best to work well with the people I rule over.’

‘When my commander sent me to Capernaum I did not question his command, but simply obeyed – as is my duty. And when I commanded my the 100 solders to come and set up barracks in Capernaum, they too did not question my command, but obeyed it – as is their duty.’

‘And during my time here I have learnt much about the religious beliefs of the Jewish people, and of the Great God they worship. I have learnt that He is sovereign – the absolute ruler over all things.’

‘And my dealings with the Jews have gone well so far, and, as it was in my power, I built a meeting place for them to come together and learn from their Holy writing – they call this place a synagogue. (P) We have grown close, these Jewish leaders and I, and I am satisfied with our relationship.’

‘But one day, not so long ago something went wrong – something that no one seemed able to do anything about. There are many servants and slaves in my household, and I try to treat them well, but one day I was called to one side to be told that one of the young men in my household, a slave of whom I am very fond, had taken ill and was on his death bed.’

‘At once I sent for the doctors to come and see what could be done. But after much time with the young man, I was told that there was no hope and that he would surely die. I was furious! What good is my authority and power now when I cannot do a single thing to save the life of my servant? And so I asked, is there nothing that can be done? Is there nobody who can help? (P) It was then that I was told about this man – Jesus. Of all the miracles He had performed, of all the people He had healed – and – by the grace of God – that He was close by.’

‘But why should such a man, a Holy and Pure man, a true Man of God come to my house, the house of His enemy – the house of the occupier that was so despised by most of the people of the land? What could I do that would make this Man come and heal my servant?’

‘And so I set upon a plan. I called at once on the leaders of the synagogue, those men for whom I had gone out of my way to help, and I asked them to go and see this Jesus on my behalf. (P) They honoured me by agreeing to go and ask Him to come and heal my servant, whose condition grew worse by the hour. And so they hurried off.’

‘But as they left, I began to think more about who this Jesus must be. There was no doubt that He was a man filled with the power of the living God, for how else could He do all these wonderful deeds. But what if He were more? What if He were God Himself – come as a man and with total power over all sickness and disease? What other explanation could there be? How else could this man do such wonderful things? And then I started to fear, who am I to ask such a person to come to my house? How can I, a nobody in this world, ask this wonderful Man to leave what He’s doing to come to my house and heal my servant?’

‘And so, I sent some of my own servants to meet Jesus before He arrived. And this was the message I gave them to pass on to Him. ‘Lord, please do not trouble yourself to come to my house; I am not worthy of such an honour. I am not even worthy to come and meet with you myself. But if you will just say the word – right where you are, then my servant will be healed. (P) I understand this, because I am a man under authority – answerable to my superior officer. And I too, have authority over my soldiers. If I say to one of them ‘Go’, they go. And if I say ‘Come,’ they come. And, if I say to my slaves, ‘Do this or do that,’ they do it. So I know that if you command it, the sickness will leave and my slave will be well again.’

‘After that I waited. And I now know exactly when my message was given to Jesus, for shortly after my servants left the house to meet with Him, my slave recovered – being completely healed – just like I knew He would be. How I thanked God for his recovery.’ (PAUSE)

‘Apparently, my messages caused Jesus some surprise. For my servants tell me that after they had delivered it, Jesus said that He had never seen faith like this in all Israel.’ (PAUSE)

‘But my story is just one of many stories of all this wonderful man Jesus has done. And the way He continuously brought great glory to God, were reported from wherever Jesus had been. For example, not long after Jesus had healed my slave, another story of His love for an outsider spread around the area like wildfire. It seems that as Jesus and His disciples had travelled around, they came to a small village called Nain, south of Nazareth. A great crowd of people were following Jesus, and as they came to Nain, another large crowd met them coming out of the village. But this crowd had not come to see Jesus, but to bury the dead son of a widow. And as they travelled out to the graveyard, the widow’s grief was enough to break your heart. Not only had she already lost her husband, but now her only son, and with him her only means of support – but now he was dead and to be buried with his father. The large crowd of mourners joined the lady in her grief, and as Jesus and His disciples came to them, Jesus Himself was deeply moved by her lost – so moved that His heart overflowed with compassion.’ (P)

‘And then He did something that had not been done in Israel for many centuries, not since the days of the great prophets of old. Looking at the poor widow so overcome with grief, Jesus said, ‘Don’t worry.’ Then He walked up to the coffin being carried by mourners, reached up and touched it. At this the whole procession stopped, and then Jesus called out, ‘Young man, get up!’’

‘At Jesus’ command, the young man, who had been dead in his open-topped coffin, sat up and started to talk to the people carrying him! They quickly put the coffin down and Jesus helped him out and gave him back to his mother.’

‘What joy followed – can only be imagined, but it was not the joy that we heard about, but the fear that swept through both sets of people, those following Jesus and those of the funeral procession. And the question on everybody’s lips was the same that had been on mine – ‘who is this man Jesus?’’